Pune is one of the fastest growing metropolises in the world, if not the most, with rates on the range of 10% annual. Pune is being able to house all the overspill of Mumbai. The challenge is immense. As a city of knowledge, Pune can develop research and production of science-related products with high added value that would be internationally shipped through planes, not ships.
With these two features in mind and understanding the peculiar location of Pune as the crossroad, the gateway to Hyderabad and Bangalore, Pune must understand its topographical structure to allocate and service land for 3.5 million people in the next 20 years.
Pune has to frame its growth into an Urban Centralities (TOD) concept policy and built both to the northern industrial territory, by the Science City Corridor and the Airport, as well as the Eastern territory for housing and tertiary sector service provision.
Pune, please do not spill all over your growth. Serve your wine on glasses. Let’s drink to the future of Pune! |