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More than technology, India's Smart Cities need Collective Intelligence for Transformation
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metro-Matrix Metropolitan Interview Article Magazine India
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metro-Matrix Metropolitan Interview Article Magazine India
  Pedro B. Ortiz states our urban management skills need to be honed to meet the challenges of the new metropolitan dimension. The metropolitan paradigm must be introduced as soon as possible. The ones who are doing it right will be ahead of the others.
Hyderabad: metro won't work unless integrated with other Public Transport
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metro-Matrix Metropolitan Interview Article Newspaper
Smart Cities are successful only when you have the intelligence in place
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metro-Matrix Metropolitan Interview Article Magazine India
  Special Focus:

Pedro B Ortiz is a senior consultant for the World Bank in New York who advises various governments and private firms. Ortiz, a former deputy mayor of the Spanish capital Madrid, has also earned international repute as a Metropolitan Planner and his recently published book, “The Art of Shaping the Metropolis,” establishes policies that address the phenomenon of the explosive growth that’s taking place in 600 metropolises around the world.

In an exclusive interview to SHRIKANT RAO from New York, Ortiz dilated on the challenges of building smart cities in a country like India.