Metro-Matrix Theory » Metropolitan Discipline Video Slides » 03 The Economic Component

Metropolitan Discipline: 03/20 The Economic Component (Pedro B. Ortiz)
  Pedro B. Ortiz Metropolitan Urban Genoma Planning Economic Development
  Images exclusively for Academic use:
Metropolises need to compete. The Globalization makes metropolises complementary one to each other. The ones that work more efficiently use the others for their benefit. Able to work better their position themselves as turning tables of the global network. We shall see in this lecture the Economic Component of the Metropolitan Genoma, to understand what we have to do to make our metropolises competitive.
03 Video transcript with reference slides
  If you want to research further into the concepts and information stated in the videos (sorry if my English is not good enough) you can find the transcript of the video related to the images and some conceptual headings.
Please only use it for academic purposes. Reference to the source required. Thank you
03 Componente Económico: Transcripción al español
  Las metrópolis necesitan competir. La globalización hace que las metrópolis se complementen en una trama global. Las que trabajan con mayor eficacia se sirven de las otras. Son capaces de mejorar su posición convirtiéndose en las plataformas de la red global. Veremos en esta charla el Componente Económico del Genoma Metropolitano. Nos ayuda a comprender lo que tenemos que hacer para que nuestras metrópolis sean competitivas.