Australia » Australia » Melbourne

Melbourne necessary leap ahead with a Metropolitan Vision
  Pedro B. Ortiz Melbourne Strategic Metropolitan Plan Metro Matrix growth vision
  Melbourne is growing very fast. Population growth is supposed to grow to 4.7 million in 2031 from an actual figure of 4 million. That growth cannot be housed in Melbourne urban structure as redevelopment projects are in the range of the 200.000 residents, not the 2 million needed.

Melbourne has to think of a metropolitan structure. As land boundaries are tight it has to think of a serious collaboration with Victoria State to produce together a sustainable future.

Melbourne has very strong directionalities. Future development has to take place in a controlled periphery to avoid unsustainable sprawl, and built up a TOD approach based in the Metro-Matrix principles of urban centralities integrated with Mass Public Transport, Environment, Economic activities and Social facilities. This Propositive Analysis provides the guidelines for such sustainable long-term development.